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2006-10-16 - 7:02 PM

my daughter on the phone chatting away with some friend of hers. i'm in the other room so i'm not r e a l l y listening...but i hear her get a bit of an attitude with whoever it is .. as she said.. "fat people are beautiful" "get it stupid" ok i really have no idea what the conversation is about. just overhearing that... but it made me smile and think to myself..yes, thats my girl.

aggg this migraine keeps fluttering around in my head.. fading and then coming back with a wham.... what a day of dragging myself around, trying to do things through squinted eyes and mental fog.

well these migraines i have now are not as bad as the ones i used to have long ago. i had a tumor removed over my left eye, prior to that i had such severe migraines i would lay in bed and sob. it was taken out by an eye surgeon since it was so close to my eye. the scar is hidden in my eyebrow.

i rate migraines in relation to those and none now even come close.

thank you for being our angels.
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