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2006-05-26 - 7:26 AM

its early morning and i don't have to be up but my internal clock seems to go off at 630am. if for some reason i don't get up yoshi paces the floor next to the bed and will put his paw on my arm. as though hes saying get up whats the matter with you. so i stumble to the bathroom sit with eyes closed while nature does its thing and then make my way to the kitchen. there i pour out all the pills i have to take to start the day.. give yoshi his pill hidden in peanut butter. then feed him his rice and lamb. start the then yoshi is licking his lips and following me to the back door. this morning i let him out and a man that is visiting my neighbor was messing with his gate.. it surprised me and i jumped..then yoshi barked at him.. now my little japanese chin isn't a barker. he rarely has anything to say. but he told this guy a thing or two .. it was the cutiest thing. yoshi never barks at anyone. the only time he seems to do it is when im startled or scared and he picks up on it. i think thats quite amazing. my little protector. i would marry him if he asked me. =) i never had a man be so loving and so little certainly never had one be so faithful to me. blaa species issues.. i wonder if thats harder than color issues.. now if i could just learn to speak dog.

thank you for being our angels.
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