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2006-05-19 - 8:18 AM

its raining men.... and i don't want to drink the water yet. the thought of it makes me quiver with anticipation and want to throw up from dread. so i know im not anywhere near ready to put my foot back in that fountain any time soon. but "the body" is prowling around again. writing me letters , calling me sweetie.. asking me to write him.. aggggg. i thought we had worked all through that long ago and were just friends now. gawd.. i sent him a photo of me and the house and the kids.. nothing with any sexual overtone.. but he writes back about that one silly photo of me... going on and on about how good i look and yada yada... man hes turning on the charm .. and hes supposed to be dating this other woman. i really need to keep my wits about me. yes its been a long time since i had sex.. but its not the time nor the one to dip into the water with. he is a NONO ... lordy lordy.. a body to die for and he could charm the pants off anyone. no not this girl this time. it was ok for a short fling.. but i have to keep reminding myself.. hes not the one.. not even close to the one. now if it was "lion" prowling around my door.. i think id be in trouble. im totally smitten with that man. he definitely has the key to my candy box. oh god did i write that or just think that. im in trouble..

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